Tote & Go Laptop| Kids Laptop| VTech

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Tote & Go Laptop

Age: 3-6 years
Also Available

Product Details

Best for ages:
3 to 6 years
Personalize your child’s laptop with their name, age, favorite food and more with the Tote & Go Laptop® by VTech®. This learning laptop offers 20 interactive activities with progressive learning levels that teach a variety of subjects. Includes five letter and word activities that teach children how to spell their name and explore letters and words. Five basic math games teach children how to count their age and explore shapes and numbers. Explore three animal and food activities that help your child identify animal sounds and footprints as well as categorize food into fruits and vegetables. Strengthen problem-solving skills with three logic activities through puzzle and logic games. Plus, three music activities explore instruments sounds and play 30 popular melodies in rock, country or jazz styles. The laptop also includes a mouse that introduces basic mouse skills and improves hand/eye coordination. Learn and grow on the go!
Product Number: 80-155489
Battery: AA Batteries Required
  • 20 learning activities teach 60+ words, spelling, shapes, logic, animals and more
  • Plays 30 popular melodies in rock, country or jazz styles
  • Customize with your child’s name, age, favorite food, avatar and more
  • Activities include progressive learning levels that gradually increase in difficulty
  • Attached mouse introduces basic mouse skills

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